Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Didn't They Look Young

When we first came to Cambodia in 2001, Lisa and Martin were both a lot younger than today! Lisa was 8 years old, and Martin just 6. You can see the pair of them riding an electric car at "the world's most dangerous funfair," a place they were keen to go, but where we always worried about their health and safety! The electric car ride seemed to be entirely untimed, unlike in the UK - you could just go round and round forever. The cars were powered by a full-size electric car battery, and if it ran out, one of the helpers would just rush for a spanner and change it out for a charged one! The children would only stop riding around the small dirt track when they ran out of energy or the will to continue (the tropical heat and the need for a drink probably being key factors there) . The remaining four photos show Lisa with her cat, Cream, and Martin with his cat, Coffee. At that time the cats too were very small. Sadly, they both lived only two or three years (the cats, not the children), dying of hepatitis, but they were great companions for the whole family. The next photo shows the children looking out across the Sap River with their mother, Shirley. The final one is of Lisa and Martin with two friends, both of whom are also a lot bigger now, on the beach at Kompong Som.

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